In continuation of merging my creative, artistic backbone with well-being knowledge and experience, I offer a combination of two workshops
Workshop: Embodied Meditation + Creative writing based on Nature
I offer a specific led meditation prior to a creative activity. Embodied breath led meditations really allows to tune into presence, soften the mind, and allow a greater and more open creative flow.
We are nature and I believe nature is our teacher. When we look, observe, and learn about the intricate ways of how plants, trees live and connect, or how water is a living organism that reacts and offers, I like to offer workshops where nature holds a mirror for us. I can facilitate simple writing explorations, writing with a curious eye where play and wonder lead whilst we observe nature.
For more infö email: vivikallona@gmail.com
sample of work:
Workshop / event: Food and Elements and Body
I offer workshops/events based on a yoga class that explore a theme of an element of nature ( earth, water, fire. air..) followed by a community shared meal based on nutrients that enhance and support those elements in our bodies. I collaborate with Chinese medicine practitioners or Ayuverdic chefs specially for the creation of the meals. If you would like to collaborate, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
This workshop is called: “ Dance of our Elements”. (Facebook).
For more infö email: vivikallona@gmail.com

'Within my creative practices, I produce and create projects where individual stories hold a mirror of collective stories.' vivikallona.com